Additional Services
We are now offering (4) four additional services to assist families who are entering into marriages, cohabitating and separating. These services assist in drafting agreements where you will be able to bring to a lawyer for Independent Legal Advice (ILA).
Why have these services through Resolution Room Inc. rather than through a lawyer for drafting of the agreements?
It is much faster and more flexible to accommodate your schedule;
Much less expensive than having a lawyer and their staff draft the agreements for you;
Minimizes distress;
Creates amicable solutions now and in the future.
Separation Agreement
An accredited mediator will assist with preparing a draft Separation Agreement. Separation Agreements deal with Parenting Time, Decision Making, Child Support, Spousal Support, Property Division, Life Insurance Policies, Health Benefits and any other matters with regard to settlement of separating parties. Following the preparation of a draft Separation Agreement, similar to that of a Mediation Report, it is in your best interest to get independent legal advice and have the agreement made into a legally binding contract and/or court order.
Prenuptial Agreement
A Prenuptial Agreement is a marriage contract that is made prior to marriage. This agreement deals with the parties' rights and obligations under marriage or on separation as per Section 52 of the Family Law Act. This agreement can contract to property division, spousal support and child support, education and training of the children but does not include decision making or parenting time of the children. Following the preparation of a draft Prenuptial Agreement, similar to that of a Mediation Report, it is in your best interest to get independent legal advice and have the agreement made into a legally binding contract and/or court order.
Postnuptial Agreement
A Postnuptial Agreement is a marriage contract that is made after marriage. This agreement deals with the parties' rights and obligations under marriage or on separation as per Section 52 of the Family Law Act. This agreement can contract to property division, spousal support and child support, education and training of the children but does not include decision making or parenting time of the children. Following the preparation of a draft Prenuptial Agreement, similar to that of a Mediation Report, it is in your best interest to get independent legal advice and have the agreement made into a legally binding contract and/or court order.
Cohabitation Agreement
A Cohabitation Agreement deals with each parties rights and obligations while they are cohabitating, and/or on separation. It can contract to property division, spousal and child support, education and training of the children but does not include decision making or parenting time of the children. Following the preparation of a draft Cohabitation Agreement, similar to that of a Mediation Report, it is in your best interest to get independent legal advice and have the agreement made into a legally binding contract and/or court order.